Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans ft. Azealia Banks (Smims & Belle Extended Remix)
“I’m a gangsta - gangsta - gangsta.” She trills. And because Lana describes herself as a kinda “gangsta Nancy Sinatra” we feel we have been waiting long-time for this kind of take on her sound.
So finally this Smims & Belle track (the DJ group from Mark Foster and band member Isom Innis) pushes out the tea trolley for the gangster-version of the vision. Sure, you cannot picture Lana schlepping around a palace trouncing it up with tiggazz, or swimmin’ with gators for this one. No, she will probably need to hide her lips beneath a deep hood and dive crazily around a concrete car park.
Azalia and her puppet-bounce rubbery beat bops are unmistakable. Bringing a grin to your impertinent rosies, and a broad outing for your edwards.
This will - in part - pulverize your neck muscles and maim the mucus. Cleverly lopped off bits of Azalia’s back padding (recorded specifically for this remix) materialize and intrude, like visions of other-worldliness, sticking into Lana’s graceful celluloid sixties pastiche of sounds.
Vibrant and illuminating at the same time, this is a fanciful mix that becomes beyond desirable the more you play it.
-- © Neil_Mach April 2012 --