Monday, 6 August 2012

Japanese Fighting Fish Are Set for Beacons 2012

Leeds four-piece alternative rock band Japanese Fighting Fish burst onto the underground rock scene with their debut album Just Before We Go MAD in 2010 and their electrifying live shows have been rounding up people willing or no since some unknown time before then.

Now you can catch the band live at The Beaconsfest 2012, Funkirk Estate, Skipton, North Yorkshire on Friday 17th August on the Noisey / Vice Stage.

For the benefit of folks not acquainted with this crazy band,  here is what we thought of some recent  Japanese Fighting Fish tracks:

Salalar’ has chiming guitars that ply for trade with the syncopated rhythms that dance around excitedly.  Theatrical vocals spike, purr and whine. Then the jangle-jangle of guitar based grandeur looms up and takes the narrow limelight. An uneasy and slightly mawkish centre-parting creates a nagging furrow, before the golden nip-and-tuck ‘Far Away’ chorus piles in again to take all the glory.

Boots’ is altogether a more bass-full affair. Punkish and wispy. The South American influence prevails. Fuzzy chords are smeared on thickly.  And that outrageously nuanced voice gazes and guzzles up all the attention. Sticky spurts of guitar keep things motoring along. And the chorus drills itself lazily into your bones.

Dry 1’  gives it longer, harder. The music-hall vocals leer up and lurch around. And the metallic guitars growl and hurl themselves suicidally at the stone walls. Put your fists up, ‘cos you will need to fight to get this one off !

So come down and get outraged by the JFF next Friday!

– © Neil_Mach August 2012 –
