Thanks to their affinity for warm, earthy tones - the music of Poor Moon can sound deceptively simple. Assorted timbres decorate their recordings—marimba, harpsichord, fretless zither—but this isn’t everything-but-the kitchen-sink arranging. Whatever the instrumentation, the sense of choosing the right tool for the job always prevails. Thoughtful, impassioned vocal harmonies further reinforce the myriad musical bonds at play.
We took a listen to some new ‘Poor Moon’ tunes and this is what we thought:
‘People In Her Mind’ – made us think of ‘The Shadows’ crossed with ‘Smith Westerns’. This is naive pop with the quirky, fresh appeal of the Sixties. It reminds us of something by Arthur Lee’s ‘Love’ – but created for us. Here and now. It is charming, candy coated and quixotic. Yet there is a hint of sadness and relentless melancholia within it’s finely drawn limits.
‘Holiday’ has tiny stars in the sky that look, to all the world, like frost fairies dancing and spiraling down to your toes. Your gently laid foot steps in the sand will be sweetly followed by the tip-toes of percussion. And the wintry keys that glisten on the white sand, will remind you of a powdery Christmas.
‘Birds’ is a ditty that gently slouches. The warmth and the sadness will exude from the sweaty walls of this ripe shanty, like syrup dripping from an open wound. A rustle of rhythm is all that is needed to gently cup the sweetest of the voices. But there is still threat and greed hidden within the tempered folds of this subtle song. It is best to remain cautious. Because this is hypnotically charming.
– © Neil_Mach August 2012 –
UK Shows
31 Aug 2012 Dorset at End of the Road
01 Sep 2012 Manchester at Ruby Lounge
03 Sep 2012 London at The Lexington